15 February 2017

Handheld Contact is pleased to announce the release of a new console build, which is ready for download from our download page at www.handheldcontact.com

Changes in this build include the following:

  • Faster application loading
  • Syncing performance improved
  • Right-click actions on selected user in main form grid added - Sync data info, User statistics and Cancel sync
  • User statistics added on toolbar
  • Added option "Select all" for activity types in Add user wizard
  • "Delete from Act when deleting from handheld" option is now added in Add user wizard
  • Added option to delay restarting service in Options
  • Fixed issue with syncing more contacts than selected in case of Act! remote db syncing

As always, if you would like to suggest a feature be added to Handheld Contact's Windows Console or any of the mobile device applications, please visit www.handheldcontact.com/suggestions. Your input makes our product better.

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