30 November 2018

As a Handheld Contact subscriber, we have some very important information to share with you which will affect your ability to continue to use Act! in the future.

A few weeks ago, we received notice from Swiftpage that an embedded third party licensing service that has worked within Act! since 2005 will cease to operate after December 31st, 2018. The company that owns this service, named “protexis”, has decided to shut down their activation servers on this date, and have advised their customers to find alternative licensing.

For more information on this news, please click HERE.

To their credit, Swiftpage has moved quickly on this and has been rolling out patches for all supported versions of Act! back to version v18 (for details on the patch release schedule, please click HERE).

If you're using an unsupported version of Act! (namely v17 or older), at some point next year your Act! software will likely stop working. We do NOT advise you to wait for this to happen to plan your upgrade, as even Handheld Contact relies on Act!’s licensing service to sync. Your device software will continue to work, but you would not be able to access your Act! database, or send or receive updates through HHC.

Thankfully Swiftpage is currently offering upgrade software for 33% off all their Act! CRM product lines for the rest of the year, and with these savings, you still have over a month to plan for this upgrade.

If you are already working with an Act! Certified Consultant, we encourage you to contact them immediately for pricing and deployment options, otherwise you can review our prices online HERE. Be sure to select “Winback Upgrade” pricing to see the discounts.

Whilst there will be upgrade costs for customers using older versions, the new Act! v21 does provide many new features and productivity enhancements that will certainly improve your team's productivity. To learn the new features of all versions of Act! through the years since your last upgrade, please click HERE.

As we know this news will likely come as an unwelcome surprise, we have setup a dedicated email account to receive your questions on this licensing issue. Please contact your Act Certified Consultant or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any inquiries you may have.


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